Freedom to Flourish
Mr, Mx, & Miss Capital Pride Pageant
Get ready for a night of glitz, glamour, and fierce competition as Destiny B Childs, Monet Dupree, and Patti Lovelace take the stage to host the most fabulous showdown of the season! Watch as our dazzling contestants werk the runway, wow the crowd with their talents, and bring their A-game in hopes of snatching the title of Mr., Mx, or Miss Capital Pride 2025!

Thursday, April 3
7:30 pm – 11 pm
The Schuyler at
The Hamilton Hotel
1001 14th Street NW
Tickets are now available! Get yours early.
- Ticket includes entry, tasting stations and an open bar (alcoholic or non-alcoholic).
- ASL will be provided.
- Event is 21+.
*No refunds or exchanges. All proceeds will go to the Capital Pride Alliance and the Pride 365 Fund.
$50 – Activist
Ticket Includes: Culinary Tasting Stations, Open Bar (alcoholic or non-alcoholic).
$75 – Protestor
Ticket Includes: Culinary Tasting Stations, Open Bar (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), and a WorldPride 2025 theme t-shirt.
$100 – Changemaker
Ticket Includes: Culinary Tasting Stations, Open Bar (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), a WorldPride 2025 theme t-shirt.
With this purchase, you are donating a ticket to someone who deserves to experience this fabulous night.
*No refunds or exchanges. All proceeds will go to the Capital Pride Alliance and the Pride 365 Fund.
Rules + Regulations
- Contestants must be 21 years of age or older. (Proof of age is required).
- Any person who has previously won the title of Mr, Mx or Miss Capital Pride, shall not be eligible to compete for the title(s) again.
- Mr. Capital Pride is open to any Cis Male, Drag King, Transgender Male, or Male identifying individual.
- Mx Capital Pride is for individuals who identify as Non-binary.
- Miss Capital Pride is open to any Cis Female, Drag Queen, Transgender Female, or Female identifying individual.
- Contestants will be judged in the following categories: Pride attire, talent, formal wear and Question & Answer.
- Talent competition is limited to a maximum of 5 minutes. Contestants who exceed the time limit will be given a score of zero. Each contestant is given an additional 1 minute for set up and 1 minute for break down of props. The additional time may not be added to the performance time.
- Any contestant, or person affiliated with a contestant, who misappropriates the property of another contestant, violates any law regarding the abuse of alcohol or drugs, or is caught in the act of stealing will be disqualified and removed from the location of the competition. Unsportsmanlike conduct by a contestant or contestant’s entourage (dresser, dancer) before, during or after the competition will not be tolerated and is subject to immediate dismissal from the venue and competition.
- It is further understood by signature of this application and submission of this application, contestants and the contestant’s entourage (dresser, dancers) will take responsibility for any and all damage (should it occur) to Penn Social before, during or after the competition.
- On the day of competition, Each contestant will receive 100 administrative points upon arrival. Any contestant who arrives late will be deducted 10 points for every 5 minutes of tardiness.
- At no time during the competition shall a contestant or their helper(s) receive a gratuity of any kind during their time on stage.
- Each contestant will be allowed ONLY one (1) dresser at any given time. Contestants must remain in the assigned area at all times. 5 Administrative points will be deducted from contestants who do not remain in the designated area. Dressers and Dancers as well as any other helpers with a contestant must pay at the front door before being allowed access to the dressing room.
- Each contestant that has back-up dancers or prop support staff shall be allowed to have them get ready 2 numbers prior to the talent performance. The contestant coordinator will strictly enforce this rule.
Application & Application Fee
Deadline April 1, 2025
Application fee $100
The winners of Mr, Mx, & Miss Capital Pride 2025 will receive: (Provided by Capital Pride)
Mr Capital Pride 2025
Cash prize of $500.00, an official medallion & flowers
(Cash prize awarded as follows-$250.00 upon winning, $250.00 upon completion of his reign)
Mx Capital Pride 2025
Cash prize of $500.00, an official medallion & flowers
(Cash prize awarded as follows-$250.00 upon winning, $250.00 upon completion of his reign)
Miss Capital Pride 2025
Cash Prize of $500.00, an official crown & flowers
(Cash prize awarded as follows-$250.00 upon winning, $250.00 upon completion of her reign)
Cash Prizes are subject to change without notice. The minimum cash prize for each winner shall be a minimum of $500.00 as stated above in the official prize package.
Required Duties
The winners of Mr, Mx, & Miss Capital Pride 2025 will appear at selected official Capital Pride events during the week of Celebration of Pride in the Nation’s Capital and throughout the year. Events include, but are not limited to the following:
- Capital Pride Honors
- RIOT! Opening Party
- Capital/World Pride Parade
- Capital/World Pride Block Party
- Capital /World Pride 2 day Festival & Concert-
- Mr, Mx, & Miss Capital Pride 2026 – (TBD)
- *(2) Planned Fundraising Events during your reign
- * Raise a minimum of $1000 each
- * Attendance for their official End of Year Step Down for the Title
- All appearances will be scheduled and approved by the Capital Pride Alliance.
- *Names and dates of events are subject to change.
Winners will present themselves in a professional manner while holding the titles of Mr, Mx, & Miss Capital Pride 2025. All final decisions are made by Capital Pride. Any misconduct throughout the year will be handled at the discretion of Capital Pride Alliance.
There will be other scheduled events throughout the year that the winners will have the opportunity to attend and represent Capital Pride Alliance. You will be notified in a timely manner when these events are scheduled.
**Events are subject to change**
Thursday April 3, 2025
The Schuyler (Hamilton Hotel)
1001 14th St NW
Washington DC 20002
4:00 p.m.
Doors open for all contestants
6:00 p.m.
Roll call
7:30 p.m.
Mr, Mx, & Miss Capital Pride 2025 Begins (PROMPTLY)
- Welcome & Introductions
- Pride Attire (Mr, Mx, & Miss)
- Talent (Mr, Mx, & Miss)
- Formal Wear/Evening Gown & On-stage interview
- Coronation (Mr, Mx, & Miss.)
Explanation of Competition Categories
Mr, Mx & Miss Capital Pride 2025 / PRIDE ATTIRE:
Pride attire may be presented by the contestant in the form of his/their/her most imaginative and creative style. Pride attire is not limited to any one color but should encompass the full scale of the pride flag of the contestant’s choice. Make your own statement and get as creative as you like. Each contestant will choose a flag from the LGBTQ+ spectrum and incorporate all the colors of the chosen flag into the pride attire. Music provided by the pride pageant board.
Mr. Capital Pride 2025 / FORMAL WEAR:
Formal wear should be the most distinguished outfit you wear during the competition (i.e. black tie, tails, regular or modern tuxedo, no black jeans). It should complement you and make a statement of your personal style and taste. No strings should be anywhere on the formal attire. There should be no tears in any part of the fabric and the garment should be stain and wrinkle free. It is your responsibility to take care of your formal wear and keep it in perfect condition during the competition. Music provided by the pride pageant board.
Mx. Capital Pride 2025 / EVENING/FORMAL WEAR:
Formal wear will be the most elegant outfit you wear during the competition should be the most distinguished outfit. It should complement you and make a statement of your personal style and taste. No strings should be anywhere on the formal attire. There should be no tears in any part of the fabric and the garment should be stain and wrinkle free. It is your responsibility to take care of your formal wear and keep it in perfect condition during the competition. Music provided by the pride pageant board.
Miss Capital Pride 2025 / EVENING/FORMAL WEAR:
EVENING/FORMAL WEAR will be the most elegant outfit you wear during the competition (i.e. full length evening gown, or formal suit). It should complement your figure and make a statement of your personal style and taste. The outfit accessories should be in perfect condition. No strings should be anywhere on the outfit unless the style warrants it. There should be no tears in any part of the fabric and the outfit should be stain and wrinkle free. It is your responsibility to take care of the outfit and keep it in perfect condition during the competition. Music provided by the pride pageant board.
Mr, Mx & Miss Capital Pride 2025 / ON-STAGE INTERVIEW:
Scoring will be based on personality and poise, the ability to communicate on a microphone in front of an audience, and the content of the answer given in relation to the question asked. This portion will immediately follow your presentation in Evening Gown or Formal wear.
Mr, Mx & Miss Capital Pride 2025 / TALENT:
Talent is the highest point category in the Mr, Mx & Miss Capital Pride 2025 competitions. Contestants will be judged on the quality of lip-sync, live vocal or other entertainment. Judges will be looking for lip sync or live singing ability. This will include but not limited to words to his/her/their song and proper phrasing within the song. If it is a live performance, is the talent of good quality? If there is choreography, the dancers should know the steps and steps should flow. If a member of your troupe does not know his/her/their part, points will be deducted from you score. Quality of set design and construction are not judged (note: allowed height is 6 feet). All contestants are responsible for their sets. Judges are instructed to deduct points if a set does not complement or enhance the talent and if the set falls or is broken during the talent phase of competition. All costuming and set design should fit the style and mood of the talent being presented. Is your talent appropriate for competition? Does your talent move, excite or educate the judges panel and the audience. It is important to know that you are being judged by a panel of judges and not by the audience. Keep in mind that subcategories make up the total score in each category of competition.
Contestants are allowed 1 minute for set up and 1 minute for breakdown of props